Monday 4 July 2016

Antidiabetic herbal formulation principles versus - Artykuł: (Nr 24) Nowy numer " Gazety..

Unctuous:  Synonyms are rich, fatty, juicy.  Very anabolic and nourishing.  Heavy, dull, slow.  Can soothe or subside aggravations of melancholy and the Nervous humor.  Moistening, softening, lubricating.  In excess, can clog vessels and arteries, and the liver and digestive organs, causing high cholesterol, etc.. Before beginning a regime of tonification, especially intense tonification, it's a good idea to make sure that any excessive humoral superfluities or lingering exogenous pathogenic factors have been duly eliminated.  Hippocrates in his Aphorisms said:  In bodies not properly cleansed, the more you nourish, the more you injure. Seeing as urination is the body's main vehicle for eliminating toxins from the blood, many herbs, especially those that purify the blood in some way, work through the urine, and stimulate diuresis to a greater or lesser extent.  But the above urinary herbs specialize in treating urinary tract disorders. Long Pepper (Piper longum)                                                                 10 gms. Type or paste a DOI name into the text box. Click Go. Your browser will take you to a Web page (URL) associated with that DOI name. Send questions or comments to doi Come here. The herbal medicines given should be opposite yet complementary in quality to the nature of the imbalance or disorder to bring the organism back into balance. There are several other potent glandular and endocrine tonics that come from the animal kingdom that are used in Greek Medicine.  These are Turtle shell and essence and Bee Pollen.  One obvious application of these is in increasing male potency. In Romania, holistic healers have had promising therapeutic results from treating cancer with microdoses of the herb Black Hellebore.  Traditionally, Hippocrates used Black Hellebore to purge the body of morbid excesses of black bile.  Greek Medicine has traditionally associated cancer with chronic morbid accumulations of black bile. Mastic (Pistachia lentiscus)                                                                  25 gms.

Historical Perspective of Traditional Indigenous Medical Practices: The Current Renaissance and Among herbalists, there have always been traditions and schools of thought that favored using single herbs versus others that favored herbal combining and formulas.  The use of single herbal remedies to effect a cure is called the art of simpling; often, the best remedy is also the simplest one.  Then, at the other end of the complexity spectrum, Galen's Theriac Electuary contained a whopping 64 ingredients, of animal, vegetable and mineral origin. No herbal treatment can be effective unless it is specific enough to target the organ or body part affected by the disorder.  Some disorders will be more generalized and systemic, requiring herbs that are more systemic in their action, whereas other disorders will be localized in a certain organ or body part, requiring herbs that specifically target that area.  Many herbal formulas combine herbs that are more generalized in their action to correct underlying systemic imbalances with other herbs that are more specific to the organ or body part being treated. Morbid humors or other superfluous toxic matter must be removed through one or more of the eliminative organs.  Dystempers and imbalances of qualities and energies can be neutralized by herbs with opposite yet complementary qualities and energies. Ayurvedic Medicine has six tastes, two for each of the three doshas.  The six tastes of Ayurveda, from most anabolic to most catabolic, are as follows:  Sweet, Sour, Salty, Pungent, Bitter and Astringent. Attenuating medicines cut through and thin out excessively thick or congealed humors.  Most of them have a warming or heating temperament and a pungent or acrid taste.  Attenuating medicines are also called scraping medicines, because many scrape away accumulations of metabolic excess residues in the body, like high blood sugar and high cholesterol.  Other attenuating medicines simply thin and liquefy excessively thick and congealed humors like phlegm or blood to aid in their circulation, metabolism or expulsion.  Herbal examples are Turmeric, Fenugreek, Saffron, Hibiscus, Bdellium (Guggulu) and Gymnemma sylvestre. Cyperus rhizome (Cyperus rotundus)                                                     10 gms. Because the Four Humors are products of the Natural Faculty, many stomachic and carminative herbs not only regulate the flow of the Natural Force in the functioning of the digestive organs but, in improving pepsis, also have a beneficial effect on the generation, coction, flow and metabolism of the humors and other vital fluids.  Some carminative and stomachic herbs are more subtle and energetic in their action, whereas others also involve the Four Humors.  Still others neutralize and dispel the toxic, turbid residues of faulty digestion and pepsis. Many tonic herbs can be seen as superfoods or supplements with special therapeutic effects and benefits for specific humors, organs, tissues or body parts.  In general, herbs, especially tonic herbs, are rich in the vitamins, minerals and other nutrient factors that pharmaceutical drugs lack, or drain from the body.  This is an important argument for herbal medicine and tonic herbal therapy.

Antidiabetic herbal formulation principles versus

Some fevers are subdued directly, but many fevers are broken with a sweat.  And so, many diaphoretics are also febrifuges, especially the ones that are more neutral to cooling in temperament.  But if there is a fever with chills, stimulating, warming diaphoretics are indicated.  Many febrifugal herbs have some diaphoretic effect, and to emphasize this aspect, the herbs are given as hot teas. Expectorants are closely allied to stimulants in that they dissolve and expel phlegm; to do this, most, but not all, have a warming or heating temperament.  Actually, expectorants can be broadly subdivided into warming or heating expectorants that expel cold phlegm, and cooling, moistening expectorants that dissolve and liquefy hot, dry phlegm, facilitating its expectoration.  And again, some expectorants can contain aspects of both. Black Salt isn't actually black, but rather pink.  It is salty with a slightly sulfurous, pungent taste and odor.  Black salt is used as a digestive tonic and stimulant in formulas to treat dyspepsia and indigestion in Melancholic individuals. But the herbalist trained in Greek Medicine or in other traditional healing systems knows better, and knows that this dogmatic assertion is, at best, a misleading half truth.  He knows that whether or not a mineral substance is friend or foe to the body and its tissues, or whether it is therapeutic or toxic, depends on which mineral substance it is. Other superficial dispersing therapies that are very closely allied to diaphoretic sweating therapy are Discutient and Anodyne therapy.  Many diaphoretic herbs can also be used as discutients, and others as anodynes, and there is a high degree of overlap between them. Protocol 2. A total of 632 patients with NIDDM were assigned to protocol 2: 210 were assigned to receive metformin, 209 to receive glyburide, and 213 to receive both 9/17/2012 · In India, Ayurveda has made a major contribution to the drug discovery process with new means of identifying active compounds. Recent advancement in In combination with Peppermint and taken as a powder, Daphne both stimulates and harmonizes the stomach and digestion.  Substitute Hyssop for Peppermint to concoct and eliminate turbid Phlegmatic residues in the stomach.   Combine Daphne with Cumin and Fennel seeds in the form of a tea to eliminate gas, distension and bloating; if a more tonic and stimulant effect is desired, substitute Caraway or Ajwain seeds for the Cumin. There's another special class of nervines that clear the mind and open up the orifices of the nerves and senses, which are the channels for the Psychic Force.  Most of these substances are strongly aromatic in nature, and some are of animal origin, being their scent glands.  They are useful in treating epilepsy, tremors, spasms, cramps and convulsions.  These substances include Camphor, Borneol, European Mistletoe, Lobelia, Musk and Castoreum.  You could call these herbs anticonvulsants and antispasmodics. Read Abstracts text version. TRADITIONAL MEDICINE TEACHING Ashuori A. A. No. 4, Asa, Near the Alborz Taxi Since black bile, or the Melancholic humor, is a recognized clinical entity in Greek Medicine, there are also special herbs that concoct and dispel morbid excesses of black bile from the body.  These include Aloe Vera, Senna pods, Cassia Fistula, Lavandula Stoechas, Fumitory, Blessed Thistle, Cyperus rhizome, Chebulic Myrobalan and Tormentil root. Stimulants are the complementary opposites to the febrifuges and antiinflammatories in that they have a strongly heating temperament.  Stimulants warm the interior and stoke the digestive and metabolic fires of the body to disperse chills, as well as dispel cold, moist Phlegmatic humors and vapors, or the damp, turbid toxic residues of a cold, weak pepsis and digestion.  These herbs have already been discussed, and examples given, in the section on Herbal Actions. Herbs that concoct, circulate or remove obstructions to the flow of lymph and serous fluids are called lymphatics; many are also mild diuretics that improve body fluid metabolism and aid the body in excreting superfluities thereof.  Herbal examples are Burdock root, Cleaver's herb, Fumitory, Echinacea and Couchgrass. Companies! In contrast to these herbal stimulants, many commonly available stimulants, like Coffee, Tea and Cola drinks, although herbally derived, are rich in caffeine.  They stimulate not the whole metabolism, but just the nervous system, and their abuse can lead to empty, ungrounded energy and nervous burnout. Acrid:  Synonyms are rough, sharp, harsh.  Similar heating and drying influence as pungent, but more drying than heating. Elderberries are also good for certain blood fevers, but also have a thymogenic, invigorating effect on the blood.  Other thymogenic blood tonics include Dong Quai, especially the root tails, and European Angelica.  Nettles and Pseudoginseng root also thicken the blood if it is too thin, and are useful against bleeding disorders. Anise, Dill and Caraway seeds are also galactogogues, or herbs that increase milk production in nursing mothers.  Blessed Thistle is another galactogogue herb that not only regulates the flow of the Natural Force and balances the functions of the stomach and liver; it also improves the circulation of blood and promotes the flow of bile. Herbs that resist poison are strongly heating, and vigorously stimulate the metabolism to neutralize and eliminate poisons and toxins.  Traditionally, these herbs include Angelica root, Calamus root, Juniper berries and Rue. Unani medicine, with its traditional herbal formulas, has developed combined mineral-botanical formulation to a high art.  The result is the production of valuable healing medicines to treat a number of difficult and recalcitrant medical conditions, such as various chronic skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. Kidneys / Urinary:  Tones and firms up the kidneys and urinary tract, subsiding catarrh, irritation and inflammation in the urinary passages; reduces urination if it has become too frequent or profuse, improves bladder control.  Examples are Pipsissewa, Agrimony, Uva Ursi. Cold herbs and medicines sedate or slow down the metabolism and cool down fevers, heat and inflammation.  Many are antiinflammatories, antipyretics, refrigerants and sedatives.  Many are also bitter in taste. Earthworms, powdered up and used as medicine, are a diuretic, nervine and vasodilator.  They are used in hypertension, apoplexy, neurovegetative disorders, and to pacify an irritable liver. Patients, and in some cases healthcare providers as well, are not fully aware of the health risks incurred by ingestion of herbal medications, either due to their Other stomachic and carminative herbs improve the flow of bile, acting also as cholagogues without actually being aperitifs or bitter tonics.  Examples are Rosemary, Blessed Thistle and Costus root. Besides improving the circulation of the humors and vital principles, these regulating and balancing herbal therapies also improve their metabolism.  And since elimination is the final stage of the metabolic process, many regulating and balancing herbs also naturally eliminate or expel superfluities of the humors and vital fluids they affect.  This could be called "elimination lite", and provides a gentle cleansing of the organism without any of the metabolic energy drain of the strong eliminative and purging herbs. And so, the wise herbal therapist prefers to conserve the basic metabolic heat and energy of the patient as much as possible by giving preference to the gentler forms of eliminative therapy, and using the more vigorous, drastic or extreme forms only when absolutely necessary.  The general rule is to never use an eliminative therapy or treatment that is stronger than what's absolutely necessary to do the job.  A gentler, more gradual cleansing is usually easier on the basic metabolism and homeostasis of the organism than a quick, extreme catharsis.  However, there may be acute crisis situations when vigorous, decisive measures are called for. As for the other two humors, the dry, effete Choleric and Melancholic humors, a regulating, balancing type of approach is taken with them, since true deficiencies of them are relatively rare.  For the Choleric humor, you have cholagogues and aperitifs, or bitter tonics.  For the Melancholic humor, you have your hepatics, splenicals, alteratives and special black bile herbs mentioned previously.

Saltpetre, or Potassium Nitrate, is an ingredient of gunpowder.  Medicinally, it is taken internally in small doses to deaden one's libido and sexual desire. Medicinal Plants with Antidiabetic Potential Diabetes mellitus Medicinal plants Antidiabetic Insulin principle (5 mg/kg i.p Lady's Mantle is a great uterine herb that tones and firms the uterus, and can even be used in cases of threatened miscarriage to save the pregnancy.  Red Raspberry leaves improve uterine tone and resiliency during the last trimester of pregnancy to ease the delivery of the baby. Bulk Laxatives are those that gently provoke the defecation reflex through their content of soluble fiber, which expands to provide bulk in the intestines in the presence of water.  Examples are Psyllium husks, Karaya gum and Acacia gum. El clavo de olor podría retardar la coagulación sanguínea. El tomar aceite de clavo de olor junto con Copper Rust, or the blue-green patina that forms on tarnished copper, was used as a topical antiseptic and disinfectant in wound dressings by the ancient Egyptians. Diabetes mellitus (DM), commonly referred to as diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period Free tutorials.
Try to relieve constipation with dietary measures first.

Aromatic Stomachics also include many of the cooking herbs in your spice rack.  They are warming and drying, dispersing turbid dampness with their fragrant odor.  Many contain aromatic essential oils that are strongly disinfectant.  Examples are Thyme, Cardamom, Lemon Balm, Basil, Marjoram, Oregano, Patchouly and Peppermint. Throat:  subside inflammation, swelling and catarrh, help to expel phlegm.  Examples are Sage, Bayberry bark, Cinquefoil. A Modern Herbal by Mrs. Influence of the Efavirenz Micronization on Tableting and Dissolution. PubMed Central. Pinto, Eduardo Costa; do Carmo, Flávia Almada; da Silva Honório, Thiago; da Limited Time Offer, Buy It Now! The actions of this formula are: hepatic, hepatotonic and hepatoprotector; general tonic, carminative and digestive. Binding Stomachics have a certain mild astringency to them that strengthens the stomach and its Retentive Virtue, enabling it to hold onto food and drink long enough to digest them properly.  They are valuable in treating chronic atonic diarrhea due to stomach weakness.  Examples are Bilberry leaves, Myrtle leaves, Agrimony and Quince fruit.

Dosage Form Design: Pharmaceutical and Formulation Considerations 4 Glyburide 2.50 Antidiabetic medicinal agent may be placed for the conve- Detrol is used for treating overactive bladder with symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, and leakage. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by Sulfur is classically known as Brimstone.  It is of a fiery, Choleric nature, being pungent in taste and heating and drying in temperament.  Topically, Sulfur is most commonly used as a disinfectant and antiparasitic in scabies, itchy scalp, fungal infections and other skin diseases.  Taken internally, it is used to relieve chronic atonic diarrhea caused by coldness; but for internal use, Sulfur should first be chelated with organic proteins. Borax is used extensively in Unani Medicine, where it is usually burnt, or calcined.  Its use is mainly topical, to cool down heat, swelling and inflammation, and to detoxify.  It can be used internally in coughs and lung congestion with thick sputum.  Borax is also used in laundry detergents, as it also cuts through grease. Topically, Alum toughens and dries the skin, and treats scabies and fungal skin infections. Historical Perspective of Traditional Indigenous Medical Practices: The Current Renaissance and Conservation of Herbal Resources Culpeper's Complete Herbal, online edition.  Includes auxiliary works, instructions and formularies, and Galen's Key to Physick. Many Hepatic herbs are also Hepatoprotectors, or herbs that have been shown to protect the liver from toxins and regenerate liver cells.  These herbs include Milk Thistle seed, Turmeric, Tienchi (Pseudoginseng), and Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa).  This remarkable regenerative capability has gotten Hepatoprotectors considerable attention from the scientific community lately. Baking Soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate, taken internally, is a handy antacid in gastritis, hyperacidity and acid reflux.  For this purpose, combine it with soothing stomachics like Peppermint and Fennel seed.  Topically, use Baking Soda as a powder for brushing the teeth. Similarly, drying medicines should be used with more caution and prudence than moistening medicines, because moisture is necessary for life.  However, this provision is not as stringent as the first or primary one; use each appropriately, according to the patient's signs and symptoms. But certain herbs have other medicinal actions and effects that cannot be explained by their observable taste, temperature and energetics.  These are called hidden virtues, also known as an occult virtue or special potency. Therapeutic promise has also been shown from using strong purgatives and cathartics in microdoses, way less than the dose required for vigorous catharsis, to effect beneficial cleansing actions on the organism.  In fact, much of homeopathic medicine is based on this therapeutic principle - that harsh, potent or toxic substances in microdoses can be great healers. essay. Balsam Wood (Commiphora opobalsamum)                                           10 gms. As with the regulating and balancing herbal therapies, the tonic and restorative herbal therapies work either more on an energetic level or more on a substantive level.  Energy tonics are called stimulant tonics, and restore optimum vitality and function to an organ or body part by strengthening one or more of the vital principles.  Substantive tonics are called nutritive tonics, and nourish the various humors, organs or tissues of the body in a structural, material sense. For conditions in between excess and deficiency caused by the faulty metabolism, circulation or distribution ot a humor or vital principle, herbal medicines that balance, harmonize, circulate or metabolize the affected humor or vital principle, to the exact nature and degree that it is affected, should be given. The regulating and balancing herbal therapies I will discuss here work either in a subtle energetic way with the vital principles, or in a more substantial way with the vital fluids and the Four Humors.  And improving the circulation and distribution of the fluids and humors always involves improving their metabolism, or pepsis.
Discutients are herbs that discuss, or promote the eruption and release of measles or other skin rashes through sweating.  Most are also cooling, sedating diaphoretics, or neutral, temperate ones.  Examples are Black Cohosh, Burdock seeds and Carline Thistle root.  Peppermint and other diaphoretic teas can be drunk from time to time to cleanse the pores and keep the skin beautiful and healthy. Herbs that relieve nervous tension and facilitate the flow of the Psychic Force throughout the head, brain and nervous system are called nervines and antispasmodics. Bitter Stomachics are cooling and soothe inflammatory, hyperacidic and Choleric conditions of the stomach, and promote the secretion of bile and gastric juices.  They are also called Bitter Tonics, Bitters, or Aperitifs.  Examples are Gentian, Wormwood, Celandine and Centaury. Also, the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients found in herbs are assimilated and retained by the organism much better than the nutrients found in even the finest natural vitamin supplements.  This is because the vitamin pills are composed of concentrated, fractionated extracts, whereas herbs are whole superfoods. Magnetite is also called Lodestone; it is magnetized iron ore.  It is a sedative useful in insomnia, palpitations, vertigo, epilepsy and mania.  It strengthens the kidneys and replenishes the Radical Moisture, making it useful in treating asthma, anemia, neuraesthenia, deafness and blurring vision. The objective of the study is to prepare and investigate the herbal formulation of for antidiabetic effects. Herbal formulations to ethical principles There are many different kinds of morbid humors and other forms of toxic matter, which can be either systemic or localized in virtually any organ or part of the body.  The eliminative herbal therapies used must be specific both to the kind of toxic superfluous matter being eliminated as well as to its location, eliminating these superfluities or obstructions through the most appropriate organ, channel or orifice.  Besides morbid humors and other toxic matter, eliminative herbal therapy also includes eliminating chills, drafts, or other forms of dystemper. Bowels:  improves bowel tone in chronic loose stools and atonic diarrhea; improves bowel control and stool firmness; promotes healing of catarrh and inflammation in chronic enteritis, colitis and dysentery.  Examples are Triphala, Chebulic Myrobalan, Comfrey root, Geranium root, Tormentil root. Hemolytics are herbs that have the effect of thinning the blood and dissolving clots.  Examples are Saffron, Turmeric, Melilot and Pseudoginseng. Click here. Correctives are herbs or medicines that soften, moderate or correct the harsh action of stimulant laxatives and other strong purgatives, relieving the intestinal discomfort, spasm, colic and griping that they can cause.  Correctives are usually softening demulcents or emollients, loosening carminatives or stimulating digestive tonics.  Common correctives include Licorice root, Fennel, Ginger and Cloves. Patients, and in some cases healthcare providers as well, are not fully aware of the health risks Jawarish Jalinus is also a hepatic and hepatoprotector, as enhancing liver function is also important in regulating and improving digestion and metabolism.  The chief herb that acts on the liver is Gentian root, which is supported mainly by Indian Spikenard and Valerian root, with an assist from Costus root and Cyperus.  Myrtle leaves also support the liver, stomach and digestion, while being an astringent tonic to the kidneys and bladder. In herbal treatments, preference must be given to herbs and medicines that are warming or heating, because all living organisms generate heat, and cold is basically inimical to life.  Cooling medicines should be used cautiously or sparingly, and only if definite signs of heat, fever, inflammation or hyperfunction are present, and only for as long as they are present. Beeswax is what the bees use to build their hives.  It has been used as a humectant, or skin moisturizer, in many skin creams, balms and cosmetics.  Galen was the first to use beeswax in a big way when he put it into cold cream, which he invented. Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis)                                                        10 gms. Cathartics are drastic purging agents that cause rapid and vigorous evacuations from the stomach and bowels, and also from the urinary tract as well.  Some cause purging both upwards, as in vomiting, as well as downwards through the bowels and urinary tract.  Cathartics include American Mandrake root, Squills, Spurges, Black Hellebore and Colocynth.  The first three are also called Hydrogogue Cathartics because they provoke a vigorous elimination of fluids through the bowels and urinary tract. Aristotle's successor as the head of the Peripatetic school of philosophy was Theophrastus, a Greek botanist and natural philosopher.  In his studies on herbal medicine and medical botany, Theophrastus identified eight tastes - two for each of the four humors / temperaments - and delineated therapeutic properties for each taste.  The eight tastes are: Sweet, Unctuous, Salty, Sour, Pungent, Acrid, Bitter and Astringent.  These eight tastes are arranged in order from the most nourishing and anabolic to the most cleansing and catabolic. Concocting herbs and medicines are those that promote the ripening, metabolism, flow and secretion of various humors and vital fluids of the body, improving their physiological function within the organism, as well as facilitating the expulsion of their morbid superfluities. The professional herbalist needs several good herbals, or source texts and reference books, to study and consult when necessary.  When it comes to herbs and herbal medicines, one can never be too well informed.

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