Tuesday 19 July 2016

Natural anti diabetic herbs kill ::

Anti-Diabetic herbal and natural medicine online. Buy Diabecon,Sugar Balance,Optimum Diabetics. Order online. Custom Elixir LS comes in 2 ounce dropper bottles which supply energetic frequencies which signal your body to improve and balance the flow of your lymph system. This removal of toxins can be most important when someone is suffering from too many chemotherapy toxins building up in the body. Supplements that have no understanding of the need for proper interaction of the various organs and systems in the body - most importantly, the liver, brain and immune system. My scan and MFI showed that my bones were clear but the cancer had progressed into my lymph glands. Here's the story behind this. Enough oxygen is released that the cancer cells are killed, or the viruses in the cells are destroyed. The Immune Cell Enhancement Elixir is a frequency enhanced elixir carrying vibrational frequencies instructing the body to optimize the function of all antibodies and T cells in order to improve the ability of the immune system to identify and kill cancer cells. You can work with her long distance or in person. (NaturalNews) In the United States and throughout the world, rates of diabetic patients continue to rise. I couldn't believe the results.. But to improve health, much higher vibrations are needed. For wasting and advanced cancers you need to drink a bottle a day of this bad tasting drink. When this happens, stress chemicals are produced in the brain. This information has been compiled over the course of ten years. Radiant Care increases hydration of the spine, and purifies spinal fluid which, in turn, significantly and greatly improves the functioning of the spinal nerves. One or two bottles a month of the PrugX, PrugX Enhancer, Glutam and SOD Production Boost elixirs can be used. Come here. The resultant buildup of poisons and toxicity in your body causes the nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue and illness that many experience as with chemotherapy. Primarily telomerase enzymes are produced by or used by stem cells in the body that need to live on and on. The cancer cells metabolize more glutamine to make energy which produces more ammonia which neutralizes the lactic acid buildup caused by BLA. So there are as many as 50 times more pentose phosphate pathways in cancer cells than in normal cells. OH's high pH will disrupt and kill cancer cells. But as chemotherapy continues, the nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue and illness develop. It improves the ability of the dendritic cells to identify cancer cells. Plain low deuterium water tests energetically at 360, which is good compared to some of the common cancer fighting supplements and oxygenators, but not nearly as good as Ronuv testing at 7000. It is all too easy to waste money, taking supplements that are not as good as they seem. It focuses on improving cellular health. While there are obviously other issues, fungus, viruses, genetics, etc, the major change in the world that could have lead to the explosion of cancer over the last 100 years has been the introduction of tens of thousands of chemicals into the environment. It is one of the most important supplements to use when there is a large amount of inflammation in the body. This process is so fundamental to the development of cancer, researchers have been looking at it and trying to prevent it for a long time. Fish oil, on the other hand, dramatically overloads the system with EPA and DHA, at 20 to 100 times our body's requirements per dose. The series of actions which control how fast cells replicate can get damaged, and a cell starts to replicate too fast and too often. A strong hormonal system makes for a strong immune system, so this benefit, while minor in the whole context of Optimal Immune 2, is significant. It improves hydration, and thus oxygenation, of your organs. After years of removing more toxins than it was ever designed to remove, liver function weakens. Symptoms may vary depending on the type and amount of infestation from a minor itch to a manifestation of scaly red irritated skin and from a low tolerance to disease to low energy from apparent mal nutrition. Your body knows what needs to be done to get healthy again, it just needs some support and tools so that it can get the job done. These toxins reduce oxygenation of cells and cause the body and cells to be more acidic. An herbal formula with more mushrooms and herbs that enhances the immune system effects of Optimal Immune 2 by approximately 55%. They do so because they are unprotected and isolated oils, without the necessary co-factors needed for their proper use. Kaufmann's diet is base on the widely published problem of mycotoxin contamination of our grain foods. And 2 or 3 bottles a month if that is not an issue. Ultimate Fish Blend has the complete profile of omega oils needed for optimal health. Put in a special healing water, these minerals are structured and naturally charged with billions of electrons. When you eat cooked, irradiated and processed foods, the enzymes have been killed; the food does not predigest in the upper stomach. Organic Lemon Oil - Lemon oil is calming in nature and therefore helps in removing mental fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness and nervous tension. A better supplement is the European sourced Health First Grape Seed Extract. Cinnamon is rich in essential minerals such as manganese, iron and calcium. By learning to access that field intuitively, it is possible to research how effective a supplement may be for fighting cancer. Once the eggs enter the digestive tract they incubate and become mature adult worms. CSE significantly enhances the ability of a couple of the top cancer fighters covered on this site, ESME which is written up on the Immune System section, and BLA. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say, they degrade into cancer cells that no longer serve your body, but live to survive. However the best oxygenating supplements make use of deuterium or heavy water to split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. They overwhelm the defenses of your body and cancer develops. Immunity boost: A healthy blood system strengthens your immune system. For this reason the use of dietary zeolite may be very helpful if your liver is not working properly. Food is better digested. Nano Red is one of the main supplements to be using when you need to more rapidly bring down tumor size. Kelly read about his work, and cured himself of cancer using pancreatic enzymes and started treating and curing many cancer patients using pancreatic enzymes. The energetic testing scores will give you a very good idea of what supplements are not so valuable to use, and which are the most important to use. Another issue to be aware of is that you can't kill off cancer quickly when someone is in very bad shape. Enriching motor coordination, 5. Especially focus on including additional support of the liver so that it can better handle the chemo toxins. Written around the year 1757 AD during the Qing Dynasty, this early medical text lists the traditional usage of Cordyceps as going to the Lung and Kidney meridian and being useful as a Lung Protectorate, for Kidney Improvement and as a Yin/Yang double invigorant. Unfortunately, most of them are just okay at best. High quality pycnogenol energetically tests at, 340. When they produce more, these cells are able to repair themselves and heal. On the first DVD you will hear stories of doctors seeing a white glow around a tumor while Quantum Touch was being done on it.

Most notable were the anti-cancer phytochemicals present in the Pacific Yew. Myriad health benefits are associated with normal cortisol levels versus elevated cortisol. Bovine colostrum supplements have been touted for years as excellent immune system booster. Do NOT use metOH in more than a half a bottle a month dosage if you need to avoid swelling of tumors, or AlkalOH gel more than 6 times a day on a tumor when you need to avoid swelling that tumor. One reason that cancer cells can survive in your body, given that the immune system has ways to destroy cancer cells, is that cancer cells have various mechanisms that enable them to hide from the immune system. For example, Theresa was giving Zeolite Enhanced only to her sister with advanced small cell lung cancer that had spread to the liver. Other mammals that produce their own vitamin C, most do, make huge amounts of it. The major waste product of candida is acetaldehyde, which produces ethanol. It is greatly enhanced with a number of changes. When cancer cells grow, they produce even more acid. Another mechanism that helps insure the survival of cancer cells is increased production of metalloprotease (MMP) enzymes. BLA will tell the cancer cells to stop pumping out the lactic acid, thus reducing acidity in the fluid. There are two ways you can deal with EMF's You can try to avoid exposure to them, or you can wear or use an energized product that counters the effect of that radiation to your body's energy field. This yew tree is a natural source of taxanes and is used to make chemotherapies such as pacitaxel. When Dr. Lisanti and his team cultured breast cancer cells alongside fibroblasts for five days, they spotted the cancer cells releasing hydrogen peroxide on day 2. On top of this, you are exposed to 70,000 chemicals in your food, water, air and in your home and place of work -- 20,000 of which are known cancer-causing agents. Expert! This report will help you filter out the good and the not so good supplements from the best supplements you should be using to give yourself the best chance at beating cancer. Even Zeolite powder comes in at 300. Whenever you have impaired kidney function, using up to 3 bottles a month of Kidney Rescue is sure to help. Chemotherapy works by killing all cells -- throughout your body -- that multiply and divide rapidly. So after two decades of use, how many doctors were using IPT in the USA? And then there is the toxic buildup in the colon of undigested foods and hardened fecal matter. Fulvitea is a bargain compared to this drink. Making Ronuv the best virus fighter we know of. A tapeworm makes its home on the internal wall of the digestive tract, its hooked head buried into the intestinal tissue. If the radiation damages too much other body tissue, it drops to a 25 in our energetic testing. And this is daily, not a few days a week as with vitamin C IVs. Over the next few years you'll be hearing a lot more about ormus. OH will bind with the lactic acid and acidity toxins in the fluid, reducing acidity. Your blood and brain will then be able to receive the minerals, electrolytes and nutrients needed to regenerate your health, and this may help your body heal itself of cancer. Taken on an empty stomach, it will work more aggressively than even the pancreatic enzymes in attacking and destroying cancer cells. The exact causes don't have to be known, though certainly the more varied the approaches taken to correct those conditions, the more likely you are going to hit on what works best in a particular case. Even more importantly, it unfortunately helps cancer cells thwart efforts to destroy them. This also helps to stick the cancer tumor to wherever it is. It is easy to squander money and more importantly time, on products that won't get the job done. Because of this loss, the mitochondria in the cell works better -- thanks to the improvement that occurs during cell replication. It uses patent pending bioactive proteins and fermented bioavailable minerals encased in oil that acts as a liposomal delivery system. The energies in Q RME tell the body to repair the mitochondrial, respiratory enzymes in cancer cells, and works best when taken with GeProCoQ10. She said the doctors were flabbergasted. Finally, you'll learn what to do to keep the cancer from coming back. It reconnects you to your original blueprint, your inner self (soul), your intuition and the Universe as a whole. This is why it is so important to help the good numbers stay high. Optimal C Elixir tells the body to produce this enzyme. Since radiation damage is oxidative, this protection suggests it has strong anti-oxidative activity. The oil has been found to have anti microbial activity against Helicobacter pylori, gram-negative bacteria that live in your stomach mucous. The results that I found were rather remarkable. Hopefully, by making people aware of it lives will be saved. It is overworked trying to deal with toxins from chronic infections like candida overgrowth, parasites, viruses and bacterial infections. This is especially important when the liver has cancer and chemo is given. In order for all this electrical to work right, for your nerves to communicate properly, your body must have minerals and electrons. This is a natural death that does not initiate an inflammatory response by the immune system. This partially digest food is treated as a toxin, and the immune system has to get rid of it. Get an extra container if your digestion is poor and you want help breaking down protein. It will also enable the body to better eliminate the cancer that has developed. Of even more importance when fighting cancer, SOD Production Boost turns off the ability of cancer cells to produce SOD and catalase. Now I don't know why the breast cancer disappeared that fast, but there is research showing that Ellagic acid has potent anti-cancer properties. Read this entire report. In fact the cells using glucose fermentation to produce energy do not function well enough to do their work. Dr. Hamer suffered over the years for his controversial theories. Unlike alkaline water from machines, or any other alkaline water, m⋅e⋅t⋅OH actually seeks out and removes hydrogen containing acids from the body. This man's wife says that the oncologists are still trying to figure out why the tumor disappeared. When the frequency drops, the immune system is jeopardized. After three weeks the fish oil fed rats had 10 times more tumors than animals on the low fat diet. There is a study showing that using intravenous alpha lipoic acid a couple of times a week with low dose Naltrexone 4.5 mg had eliminated advanced pancreatic cancers in some patients. What happened was that the liver started out being strong enough to handle the chem toxins. Consequently, these cells can only multiply and grow. Now the doctor seems amazed at my mom's rapid response. After reading these testimonials, one can see that Pacific Yew has wide ranging benefits that can help many people, and has the proof to back it up. Aloe Vera. Aloe vera juice has been used for centuries as a remedy for arthritis and remains one of the First and foremost, it contains therapeutic levels of DHQ which on its own is a powerful free radical scavenger that also conditions red blood cells so that they are more flexible and work better. Making Zeolite Enhanced more effective. Most of the time, currently, chemotherapy drugs cause much harm to healthy cells as they kill the cancer cells. They just want to get out of there because that frequency is tormenting them. And that's the name of the game when you are fighting cancer with zeolite.

Natural anti diabetic herbs kill

This enables the brain to better control the immune system. If you have a lot of cancer in the lungs, use 3 bottles a month. A Parent Essential Oil (PEO) is a natural cold pressed organic oil that has NOT been heated, NOT been chemically processed AND retains enough naturally occurring antioxidants to remain fresh and physiologically active. The cellular detoxification pathways also get damaged and working poorly, so chemo toxins may remain in your body and be affecting your health the rest of your life. These Energy Elixirs enhance and energize your body's electrical activity with the energetic frequencies that they transfer to your body when you take them. There are therapeutic doses of two cancer fighting, immune supporting mushrooms. Free radical damage from toxins plays such a fundamental role in the development of cancer, it is no wonder some of the first supplements people think of taking for fighting cancer are free radical scavenging vitamins. In fact, it tests energetically quite strong at 8700. With some impressive results. Most of the time weight loss is not caused by catabolic wasting. The hydrogen ions release by OxyDHQ work with the oxygen ions to normalize pH levels. In addition, vibrational frequencies in T Ban help cause tumors to break up, or to put it another way they tend to cause cancer cells to separate from other cells. And you know what happens when your body can't oxygenate well. Making an excellent immune booster great. Food would stick in her throat. The final ingredient in Optimal Immune 2 is a specially processed Structured Water that has a 25 year history of improving immune response and overall health and well being. Your body knows what is going on in it. This throws the body out of whack. You may not know it, but cancer -- NOT heart disease -- is the number one risk of death for most everyone. OCMP is a new, proprietary formula of minerals with some other nutrients, that is so effective at alkalizing cells, it is a very strong cancer killer. The final foundational supplement that establishes a solid base of health - enabling you body to better heal cancer - is this unique fish oil supplement. Beard wondered why did the pancreas in the fetus start working so early? There is a well known cancer supplement whose claim to fame is its high value of antioxidants for cancer fighting. Many cultures embraced Reishi's benefits; the Romans considered mushrooms to be 'the food of the Gods', the Egyptians believed them to be 'a gift from Osiris' and the Chinese thought of them as 'the elixir of life'. Liver Strength both clears pathways in the liver so that it can start functioning better, and provides support in general for liver functioning. Order! Foods are not required to be labeled as GM foods. The focus is on Magnolia and Astragulus but includes a supportive complement of Dandelion root, Pao D'Arco bark and Ginger root. Especially when used with PrugX, a sister elixir that causes a build up of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. This 12:1 extract involves a multi-stage extraction and concentration process using a time honored Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to give you the benefits of a standardized extract but with the added benefit of the coexisting compounds that may greatly enhance absorption and proper use in your body and provide your cells with balanced nutrition. It fixes your insulin resistance so you can throw away your insulin injections and diabetes medication. It causes cancer cells to die a natural death, so I suppose technically we shouldn't include it with cancer killers, but I don't have a better section to put this elixir in. There was no control as to what drugs people were taking, or what other protocols they were on. This process leads to ill health, and eventually it can lead to cancer. Even with early stage cancers that have not spread out of the organ it was found in, chemotherapies in general are viewed as being so ineffective by oncologists that they often recommend surgery to remove the cancer rather than chemotherapy. This is the no swelling version of ESME version C. It instructs your body to stop cancer cells from pumping the lactic acid they produce (as part of the fermentation process) into the body. These products were good, but not great, and when we test them energetically now, they come in at 200. Because these supplements work so much more strongly than ordinary supplements, the swelling was more dramatic, and it was obvious what was happening. RAD is also a vibrational frequency-enhanced, energized elixir. Supporting the liver is essential when you get chemotherapy. I will let you know of any further progress. Use Liver Strength, Fulvitea, Healing Rescue and Endocar for catabolic wasting. All toxins are positively charged.) It traps them in its cage-like structure. Antiviral properties have been displayed in vitro by Pau d'Arco against viruses such as: herpes I and II, influenza, polio virus and vesicular stomatitis virus. The main ingredient in this formula is mature green papaya powder. This causes the hydrogen peroxide to build up in the cancer cells. We have noticed that the frequency enhanced elixirs covered in this report do a very good job of telling the body to make specific enzymes. Liver Balance Plus is the best liver support supplement. Plus the vitamin C used in them is synthetic and thus not near as healthy for the body. For fighting cancer, double the dose to 4 soft gel capsules twice a day where a bottle will last a month. Not that the FDA would approve a natural supplement that threatened the drug companies they are in bed with.) As they are not approved, doctors, or at least most doctors, won't use them, and most don't even know about them. I have been telling everyone I meet about liquid zeolite, because I can see that it really works. As a concentrate it is about 12.5 pH. In addition, instructions are given to repair the DNA of the genes need to turn on production of these enzymes. Many people have got rid of cancer using one or two products only, but others people have a tougher cancer or are in poorer health and must do much more to be successful. One man wrote in saying his mother had been taken off chemo three weeks before because it wasn't working. This action greatly increases the ability of the hydrogen peroxide to damage cancer cells because there will be fewer antioxidants in cancer cells neutralizing the oxides. RAD has been imbued with vibrations from healing stones found in the Southwestern USA. Another distinct benefit of black currant seed and (black cumin seed) oil is its anti-viral properties. MGN.. being the most well known. When the liver is not supported, it easily is overwhelmed by all the chemo toxins and they get stuck in the body, poisoning it, causing everything from death to vomiting and nausea, to fatigue and hair loss. How could it not be - given these circumstances? These energies are amplified with this technology to be strong enough to be picked up by the water, and strong enough for this elixir water to be able to communicate these instructions to your cells when you take small amounts of it. The chemo toxins were altered by the Phase 1 pathways when they pulled them from the blood, to be even stronger carcinogens, but got stuck in the liver because the Phase 2 enzymes weren't working well enough to eliminate them. That is why these degenerative diseases do not occur when you are young. After and along with Red 65. Hydrogen peroxide IV's if you can find a practitioner to give you them, are just a hair better, at 246. An article published by Dr. Use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancers, 4 per month for advanced cancers and 5 per month for very advanced cancers. Energetic Testing puts Vitamin D Mulsion Forte -- a vitamin D3 emulsified sesame oil for better absorption -- at 360 for its cancer fighting abilities when used at 10,000 units every day. This is our most recent update to the site. Pacific Yew has been used in clinical testing not only for treating, but also preventing cancer and immune system weaknesses as well. I first became aware of a problem with this therapy years ago when a naturopath said that he was tired of patching up holes in the stomach of people drinking food grade hydrogen peroxide. Gerson protocol at 120. Causing hydrogen peroxide to build up in cancer cells. Each one communicates via electrical impulses. By the way the medical community thought he was crazy. So you'll have a better idea what may work better, and what isn't so effective. And the more likely you will survive. Especially when taking PrugX, the massive amounts of vitamin C produced by the body when Optimal C Elixir is used, is highly effective at causing cancer cell death. It does this so well that on its own, without using PrugX too, it tests at a very high 13,300. Use Stress Reduction Elixir to reduce anxiety and stress by literally changing your hormone levels. Another reason why doctors ignore sensible, safe and healthy treatments for cancer, and recommend costly and illogical treatments instead -- is human nature. The Ling Zhi mushroom, also known as Reishi mushroom, is commonly used as a natural medicine in Asia and across the globe. More than once has Kaufmann interviewed a caller (on his health talk show) who absolutely craved peanut butter and popcorn just prior to their diagnosis of cancer. When it comes to the immune system and cancer, UltraImmune9 specifically targets and nutritionally supports optimum anti-cancer performance. The liver detoxification process has two phases. Not what you'd like to see in a product if you're taking it to beat cancer. Also blood pressure, childbirth (may get contractions going), antispasmodic (may soothe asthma attacks), sedative, claustrophobia, hyperactivity, nightmares. At this point, the body may not send all the chem toxins to the liver for eliminating. Decades later Dr. Unfortunately, research shows that taking these manufactured fake vitamins is actually worse than not taking anything. A drop in electrical activity is most noticeable in terminal patients that are "wasting away". There are numerous ways this happens. The results were pretty interesting. It may cause much heart disease too. Sayunt is the name of a frequency enhanced water elixir that tells the body to decrease production of the aromatase enzyme that converts other hormones to estrogen. In addition.. A warm shower opens up the pores of the skin and allows for accelerated absorption of chlorine and other chemicals in water. Seasonal Rescue supports and enhances the ability of the liver, kidneys and lymph system to detoxify. Use two to three bottles a month when dealing with cancer -- when you have inflammation. With T Ban, the eliminating of dead cells should be faster as the usual detoxification processes are being bypassed. Our energetic testing puts its healing power in these situations at a high 16,300 meaning it is excellent for dealing with tumors close to the surface of the skin. The answer at its most fundamental level is money and secondarily, that it takes a great deal of time for new ways to fight disease to be accepted. This natural cell death, called apoptosis, where cancer cells tell themselves to die, does not cause an inflammatory response of the immune system to get rid of the dead cell. There is a cancer killing supplement on the internet that people ask about, a Miracle Mineral supplement great for malaria. A brief tapping and breathing pattern is done after each statement to set the ACS function. This oxygen becomes a powerful colon cleanser as it softens and loosens the hardened matter in the colon. Primarily the liver. And is also instructed by this elixir, to send these linked antibodies and T Cells to every cancer cell in the body. Rather, it immediately shunts chemo toxins into cells to get them out of circulation as soon as possible. For years health practitioners have tried to come up with a way to get glutathione into cells. Better is the Vibe Machine which comes in at 233. Let's get started by covering each strategy in detail, giving you some solutions as to the best ways to implement each strategy. It is a vibrational resonance recording that uses, as a healing process, vibrations from the harmonics and overtones of the Perfect 5th interval, and the Major 7th Chord. Below you will find a quick, easy-to-read review of the supplements suggested. Because of the fundamentalness of cancer thriving in too acidic conditions, there are many sites and books or ebooks promoting various ways to beat cancer by alkalizing the body with their particular product suggestions. Sayunt works synergistically with hormonal cancer therapies to help them work more effectively, and to help protect your body from some of their side effects. It does this by transmitting instructions to the body that tell normal healthy somatic (body) cells to produce telomerase enzymes. Finally a doctor in charge of a clinic figured out what was happening, and had them wash their hands. In fact research has shown that one reason cancer cells may become resistant to chemotherapy is that they begin to produce more antioxidants. Cells are known to produce hydrogen peroxide, for example, to signal the immune system to heal wounds. And boosts the immune system as it increases levels of CD4 immune system molecules. There was 55% less respiration, a huge decrease. A Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications paper (April 15, 1993;192:241-5 - Folkers), presents anecdotal results of 10 cancer patients given CoQ10 for heart failure. This is one fight you don't want to lose. When you or a loved one is battling cancer, you need access to every single weapon available. Zinc, chromium, manganese, lithium and germanium also contribute. Taking action to make your body more alkaline is vital in the battle against cancer. The blood must be kept in a narrow range around neutral pH.) Because the cells are releasing some of their stored toxins, your pH levels drop again. When BLA and Glutam are also used with AlkalOH, they help it work better. This delivery system carries beet extract and chlorophyll into liver cells which can then strip the liver of toxins. In other words, take something that destroys antioxidants or prevents their creation. A diagnosis of cancer, or even a suspicion of cancer is darn fearful. The PNC Support Elixir does just this. An adult would use 5 bottles a month for very advanced cancers. So that cells cannot oxygenate properly. Do not use narcotic painkillers or benzodiazepine anxiety-reducing agents at the same time. A hyper-active, malfunctioning liver causes a hyper-active brain because pushes the wrong minerals and nutrients into the brain. The instructions encoded into this elixir activate a youth template in cells that improves the cell during the process of cellular replication. Most of these bacteria are referred to as "good" but others provide little or no benefit. One brief description of cordyceps militaris points out some of its benefits. There is a miracle cure ebook selling like hotcakes talking about all the ways increasing oxygen levels in your body is valuable to you. This disruption can come from present circumstances. At least, that is what practitioners using this mineral concentration noticed over the years as they gave this to their patients. When we are born, we have the highest alkaline mineral concentration and also the highest body pH. This action enables these nerves to better control the functioning of all organs in your body, and also improves the ability of your body to control and improve immune system function. First, research shows that your body mostly needs and uses Parent Essential Oils and not it's derivatives, EPA and DHA. Getting rid of those dead cells is a much slower process with tumors reducing in size very slowly all too often. Its function of calming your liver patterns would enable repairing of the signaling pathways of the neurons that control mental patterns.  This could help keep your mind clear so that you may function with higher efficiency and less stress. To make matters worse, the fermentation process cancer cells use to produce energy creates lactic acid, further increasing acidity and reducing oxygen levels. This enhances communication in the brain and assists in the uptake of oxygen and nutrients into brain cells. They have been turned, quite often, by the processing in Phase 1, into carcinogens, mutagens, and power free radicals causing even more damage than they did before they were processed. Your nervous system is separated into conscious/voluntary, and autonomic/unconscious control systems. And to do the same thing with dead cancer cells, take them out of the body without going through the usual detoxification process to break them down. Human Trials show that at just 30 mg per day, ProCoQ10 reduced daily DNA damage in humans by 51%. He has the blood pressure of a 20 year old, the lowest his has ever been. Every other one I test is right in the same ballpark, except the ultra liquid zeolite (enhanced with DHQ) from the liquid zeolite company that claims to be the one I recommend. In 1976 a billion dollar drug company started investigating Graviola's cancer fighting properties. It sharpens the senses, improve memory and assists in recall. In general, degenerative diseases are the result of acid waste buildups within us. Both the prevention and the reversal of Exto-Protein can be done by using a Vanilloid-Catechin combination of exactly the right ratio to remove the Exto-Protein from the cell membrane. The blood must be kept clean and in a narrow range of pH or the body will die. So for colon and rectal cancer it energetically tests at 327. OPC's have a history of being powerful cancer fighters as they protect cells from free radical damage and boost immune response. Herbs, Diabetes, Several herbs are natural remedies: Bitter melon is composed of several compounds with confirmed anti-diabetic properties. Such as a woman with stage 4 breast cancer virtually going into remission in two weeks. Zeolite improves health in several other ways. These products comprise some of the top tier of the immune supporting cancer fighting supplements. These special frequencies and ingredients improve the ability of the zeolite to enter cancer cells. Part of its action comes from a specific set of frequencies that have the quality of being irritating to candida, mold and fungus. Vitamin D Emulsified Forte is the best source for a supplement because of its increased absorption and assimilation. Blood work and CAT scans every 4 months confirmed its continuing growth for a year and a half. Once safely inside the body, they develop into adults, and start laying more eggs. Taking medicines or supplements while your body is highly acidic is a bit like washing dishes in a sink of dirty water, even when you put in plenty of soap, you can't get the dishes clean. These bad guys are kept at bay by normal immune response and only grow when an opportunity arises. They are all covered elsewhere on this page, and are among the most valuable of extracts for improving immune system function. In addition, this increases cellular energy, just what you want to prevent cancer growth. Papain possesses a very powerful digestive action superior to pancreatin, or pancreatic enzymes. Optimal Immune 2 which is even stronger when swelling does not need to be avoided, with the addition of Optimal Immune 1, developed to work with. These are two frequency enhanced elixirs that in powerful and altogether unique ways cause free radical damage to cancer cells. He theorized that specific conflicts are tied to specific areas in the brain because, during evolution, brain areas are programmed to respond instantly to conflicts that could threaten survival. When this happens, chemotherapy side-effects are minimal as the chemo toxins don't build up in the body. These industry leaders each have 25 to 45 years of experience in the production of nutraceuticals grade ingredients for the dietary supplement industry. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. Blood would be cleaned. As far as we are concerned, it is working. I energetically tested this combination as being very good, 850. Secondly, when cancer cells have excess glutamine, they are able to exchange it for essential amino acids needed to prevent cell death when cells are badly damaged and poorly functioning. This reduction in size has several benefits for overall health and for fighting cancer. She tells of the story of a 90 year old man with prostate cancer which had spread to the bones. The key elements or ions involved are sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), and calcium (Ca2+). Borage, or starflower plant, produces seeds that are a rich source of the essential gamma-linolenic fatty acid, or GLA. Yesterday the 29th Oct. The trick is the find and use the ones that work the best, as it is easy to squander resources on products that won't get the job done. On looking on the internet I came across Zeolite Enhance, this I have been taking since the beginning of August at a dose of 120 drops per day. Researchers have noted for years a correspondence between low levels of enzymes and cancer. Either by sending the toxins with the bile to the colon to be eliminated, or sending them to the kidneys to do the same. Because of this stress and the overload of toxins, you end up with a malfunctioning immune system, and a body that is not capable of destroying the excessive numbers of cancerous cells that develop. It becomes non-functional because all its energy production happens via sugar fermentation, and not enough energy can be produced anaerobically on an ongoing basis to keep a cell functional. The right balance of minerals increases cellular hydration, improves oxygenation of cells, are required for proper functioning of enzymes (needed for every action in your body), and even for detoxification as glutathione must have these enzymes to detoxify properly. Cancer Strategy #6:  Candida And Fungal Infections May Cause Cancer..

Processed or canned foods can have a frequency of close to zero. The worms may go undetected for years with no apparent symptoms, or they may be seen in the stool almost immediately. This elixir acts as an aromatase inhibitor, reducing the production of estrogen. At this point the ionic charge is strong enough to pull m⋅e⋅t⋅OH into the cancer cells. So given the right conditions, it turns cancerous. These come in close to 200 in healing power. Advanced cancers are handled better by using 4 bottles monthly. Even the lymph system should flow a little better. If those instructions weren't there, you'd be one of the group who can eat a lousy diet, live an unhealthy lifestyle, and don't get cancer. This ends up killing the cancer cell because they don't operate at those frequencies. He says we consume, on average, from 0.15mg to 0.5mg of aflatoxin per day. Glutam will also help PrugX work more effectively. It can be used along with Liver Strength, Fulvitea, Healing Rescue and Endocar. Vitamin A - 140. The molecules with excess hydrogen are acids. The 3 teaspoons of baking soda in water every day was a 142. With Stage 1 or 2 cancer, IPT is, I read, about 80% successful, mixed results for more serious cancers. These two additions alone up the anti-cancer levels significantly, and may be able to extend healthy cell life up to 240% in test tubes. When getting chemotherapy, you should always give the liver extra support with herbal formulas if possible. Comeback!
In order to do so, minerals and especially calcium are needed, along with proteins and enzymes. To fight candida and help your immune system better fight cancer, use two bottles a month, 4 capsules daily. Fish oil may cause cancer to grow rapidly. OH is remarkably effective at healing lung cancers when, as a concentrate, is breathed into the lungs by using a nebulizer or personal steamer or personal vaporizer. It is not that they are looking for some alternative to the chemo because they know she must take the chemo, but they also know (from the death of friends) that chemo sometimes fails indicating (in their minds) that maybe it is not enough. Astragalus as an adjuvant therapy has been used in the treatment of cancer, prolapse of the uterus or anus, abscesses and chronic ulcers, chronic nephritis with edema and proteinuria. So to explain again, cancer cells produce energy almost entirely by fermentation, breaking down sugars, as opposed to aerobically producing energy with oxygen. This produces a stable oxygen molecule. Alkaline water (including the water in cells) holds a lot of oxygen. This will significantly increase the amount of energy your cells can produce as fat holds much more energy than other sources. So that the liver can start to do its job and eliminate toxins from the body. The first two elixirs below are exceptionally powerful cancer fighters because of their ability to supercharge the ability of immune system cells to identify and then kill, cancer cells. I am delighted to tell you that I have received my order in the post this morning.

When talking about using antioxidants for cancer, here are a few things you should know. Your liver will need support if you are on chemo, handling chemo toxins wasn't in it specs. He and I would like to thank you so very much for all your help and recommendations. Can.. at a good but not great level of 330. And does an excellent job of doing so, testing at 3600. Even better, shutting down this pathway will help the Optimal C Elixir kill cancer cells faster. Juniperus communis) - GRAS - Has helped in detoxifying and cleaning, dermatitis, psoriasis (any kind of skin inflammation), skin ulcers, oily complexions, skin toner, acne, eczema, antiseptic, hair loss, hemorrhoids, obesity, liver, kidney, urinary infections, and bladder problems. These are good enough to help some folks knock out cancer, but many times they are not enough. It improves communication between the dendritic cells and T cells. Its internal clock sees that it has lived too long and sends out instructions telling the cell to die. With CandXpel, candida overgrowth can be safely reduced without overloading the liver and the detoxification systems. Not only does it inhibit the growth of cancer cells, but it can cause cancerous cells to revert back to normal, and helps prevent them from turning cancerous in the first place. Normal processes such as peristalsis are impaired and toxicity builds up in the system. As the underlying cause of most cancers is excess toxicity in cells, this action of CSE is significant for its ability to prevent the development of cancer and to fight cancer also. There exists an astonishing synergistic effect between chemo and Maitake. Circulation would improve slightly and fluids can travel further along tiny capillaries. A basic maxim of natural physicians is: Balance the bio terrain. When these misplaced placental cells get lost and can start growing, turning cancerous if you don't have enough pancreatic enzymes. Unfortunately, the danger of those supplements is that they could also be helping the cancer cells live longer. Ingredients include Water, Proprietary High Alkaline Blend, DMSO, Xanthan Gum, and the essential oils of Angelica Root, Cedar Wood, Fir Needle, Frankincense, Pine Needle, Spruce, and Lemon. A second patient's markers dropped 40% in 2 weeks. Again, it is not that we do not get enough Omega-6 in our diet. Colon therapists report nearly 100% infection rate as they witness firsthand these human parasites in the colon and the bowel during colon therapy. They are not able to produce enough energy to survive on their own. As a consequence, fighting cancer energetically seemed something useful to do, but not vital. Your body can handle natural foods and herbs, the altered ones have toxic side-effects and just don't work well in your body. So they tout their cleaned cage, or how they have the real original process, or their nano processing and how they have so much zeolite in their liquid, a little falls out if you let it sit, or their ability to process the zeolite with the humic acid, etc. Though it made sense. He noted that DNA damage in cells is cumulative. ESME Prostate is the elixir that works best with the anti-androgens. Both for skin cancer and in tumors close to the skin like breast tumors or cancer in the liver or stomach. Aromatic Influences:  Enhance physical energy, money and courage. This next elixir deals with a defect in human genes that gives an opening for cancer to develop. We have found this to be the most effective way of determining which supplements are likely to be the best to use. Unfortunately cancer cells have the ability to increase production of PD-L1 in tumors because they protect the tumor from the immune system. This is because they count the omega-6 you are currently eating as useful, which, according to Peskin, it is not. What supercharges PrugX Immune Boost is using it with PrugX and PrugX Enhancer. It provides a broad range of antioxidants including tocotrienols, which have been found to be six thousand times more effective than vitamin E. The Telomerase Elixir tell the body to prevent or not allow cancer cells to produce the telomerase enzymes. Use 2 bottles a month of Super PEO when fighting cancer. Then your cells recover and produce energy using oxygen. It tells the body to produce extra p53 proteins, and to isolate the segment that is the peptide that works so effectively at killing cancer cells. One of the more understandable ways to understand how these energies may affect you is to think of your subconscious as a computer. The second group of supplements in this section include immune system modulators which reduce inflammation, and other supplements that cause cancer cells to die naturally. The liver supplies nutrients to the brain, and the better it can do this, the better the brain will function. The ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids healthy humans require to function optimally has been subject to much debate. By the way, another popular vitamin treatment for cancer vitamin B17 or Laetrile energetically tests very close to this, at 247, when used in the correct dosages. It is also produced by parasites, yeasts and molds. http://permanenttreatmen.littleprofiles.com/anti-diabetes-vitamin-02.html This oxygen will accelerate healing of wounds in the skin. In our energetic testing Healing Rescue comes in at 2300 for supporting your body while dealing with cancer, chemotherapy or catabolic wasting. They work synergistically together, creating a toxic soup of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. It's a financial goldmine for them. It is the most important organ in the body in many ways. It's the nature of the medical/drug industry. Both live cells and dead cells. Even more important, the tri metallic part of the zeolite destroys the nucleus of the cancer cells it enters. In other words, to detoxify the body. And your cancer may begin to melt away. When there is cancer in the lungs, they are not as efficient at getting oxygen into your body. For the best results use 3 or 4 bottles a month of Optimal C Elixir. Use 5 bottles a month for very advanced cancers when you need to be more vigorous.

Also natural B-Vitamins that boost energy, stamina and help stabilize blood sugar. So the cancer cells becomes more toxic and sick. Brent reported how his wife's aggressive thymus gland cancer reduced 80% in a month when using PrugX, BLA, and several other cancer fighters. GlioX carries instructions to stop the production of MMPs by cancer cells and also by microglial immune system cells that can be tricked into producing MMP by cancer cells. You will learn a lot about the causes cancer, the many ways you can fight it, and how to keep it from coming back. These instructions turn m⋅e⋅t⋅OH into a very large, 1 liter, elixir that has been instructed to kill cancer, infection causing pathogens, and to optimize detoxification. I am so relieved as I realize that Christmas post could have caused the delay! It is easily the strongest pain relief natural supplement we have tested, coming in at 1600 for its ability to relieve pain. As we have talked about in this article, cancer cells produce most of their energy through the metabolism of glucose sugars (and glutamine too). It is sold under various names. People using this elixir will produce, after it ramps up production, extremely high levels of the most optimal form of vitamin C there is, the kind the body makes. GABA (gamma Aminobutyric acid) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter for nervous tissue. This supplies the reason why two people may eat the same lousy diet, be exposed to the same excessive amount of toxins and even stressors, but only one develops cancer. Indeed, some normal tissues were found to require high 02 tensions. Everything in the universe vibrates at a frequency. These include Honokiol, Magnolol, Astragaloside, Gingerols, methoxyisoflavones, beta-lapachone, lapachol, taraxacin, saponins among others. And some even talk about there being genetic memory where health issues your parents or grandparents experienced are passed on through the DNA energies. Simply put, geopathic stress is unhealthy energy coming from the earth. The original liquid zeolite, NCD energetically tests at 320. All these are significant scores, and they were caused by BLA alone. AlkalOH comes in a 4 ounce bottle. In addition, food that is not completely digested all too often makes its way into the bloodstream. We want only the best. Two of the major antioxidant enzymes in the body are SOD -- Super Oxide Dismutase, and catalase. Benefits of. Selenium, which acts both as a free radical scavenger, and as a mineral that helps prevent cells from turning cancerous is considerably stronger at 200. Instead of publishing their findings, they box up the research and put it away to collect dust. The researchers found several ways of stopping the downward spiral caused by TNF- alpha. Research shows that C. Toxins are removed and the cleansing of the body is stimulated because of an increase in urine flow. It works better than most of your typical supplements as it tests at 380 for fighting cancer in our energetic testing. Cancer cells grown in a dish that had no glutamine as a food source could not survive low pH levels but would grow rapidly in high pH environments. These bacteria together weigh two to three pounds and could be considered your first organ of defense against disease. Parasites are delivered to their hosts through systemic infestation in plants, consumption of infected meats, drinking unsanitary water and even bug bite like mosquitoes. Use 4 to 6 containers a month if you have cancer that are causing a great deal of pain or dysfunction. What is undoubtedly true is that stress knocks down the immune system significantly, which could certainly translate into accelerated growth of cancer cells. Do not use it when you need to avoid swelling up a tumor, as it can get the immune system killing so many cancer cells that a tumor could swell from the inflammation used to get rid of killed cells. The resulting immediate and long-term benefits of this vibrational resonance recording include: 1. A major way tumors protect themselves from the immune system T cells. Taking YewImmune5 then, adds a very strong synergy to the use of the mitotic inhibitor chemotherapies and M-Inhibitor elixir. Your body needs it for ensuring nitrogen balance, maintaining gut integrity, and keeping your immune system strong. This detoxification process can take months to complete. It works on reducing symptoms, increasing a sense of calm and wellbeing, and more importantly supporting the body so that it can better handle the health crisis that is happening. Monthly Online Journal Review Article ANTI DIABETIC HERBS IN AYURVEDA: AN This paper reviews such plants and their products (active, natural principles. Increased activity correlates with advanced stage, invasive and metastatic cancers in particular. Because of its synergy with Optimal C Elixir, it is even more valuable with used with Optimal C Elixir. True, none of the other zeolites supplements test near as strong as Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ does. One of its most extraordinary benefits is its ability to keep your body's natural defenses high. Energetic testing puts it's ability to help deal with the side effects of chemotherapy at 880. D, internationally recognized research scientist and vitamin D expert, found that about 30 percent of cancer deaths -- which amounts to 2 million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States -- could be prevented each year with higher levels of vitamin D. They work in similar, but slightly different ways, making the both valuable to use. Most of them new and thus unknown. Our suggestions improve all the time because of this evaluation process. Another cause of free radical damage and thus too much cancer, is that processed foods generate more free radicals than whole foods, and have fewer nutrients to act as free radical scavengers to help protect you from those free radicals. Tumorin can be used with cancers that don't have tumors too. It doesn't have to be this way. First, though, let's finish up about oxygen and cancer by covering the energetic testing on some oxygenation treatments that are commonly used or recommended by some alternative practitioners. Especially as it can kill any cancer cells that may develop. As is the top rated supplement for fighting cancer that we have tested. In addition, essential oils are added to protect the oils from oxidation damage. Essaic teas varied in quality from 120 to 320. The body gets rid of the hydrogen molecules as it does all water, through the urine. Today, thousands of health practitioners have discovered the Pacific Yew to be an indispensable addition to the world of dietary supplements. These four elements are found in abundance in almost every diet but are often severely imbalanced at a cellular level. It is a little more complex than this -- as often liver support supplements contain antioxidants as the primary support mechanisms. It is a remarkable product and is often suggested as one to be used for maintenance and prevention. The nutrients and oil it contains will enable the liver to do a better job of digesting food and of supplying the body with nutrients from that food. And to get it into your cells. Doctors today are not very different than they were 150 or 200 years ago. For most of your life, your immune system successfully fought cancerous cells, killing them as they developed. Normal body cells do not have telomerase enzymes to keep them young. Any sugar will work, but as refined sugars tend to wipe out the immune system response, natural sugars are better. All that vitamin C causes a great deal of hydrogen peroxide to build up in cancer cells. The enzymes in the food predigest that food. This additional way to enable the immune system to target cancer cells makes the combination of PrugX and PrugX Immune Boost a powerful cancer fighting combination -- testing at 20,400 in healing power for fighting cancer. The energies in CSE optimize the energetic functioning of your normal cells. A Swedish study has found that heavy users of cell phones had a 240 percent increase in brain tumors on the side of their head that the phone was used on. Energetic testing gives the high quality powder a healing power of 246. Unfortunately it tends to be expensive and you need to use a lot of it. And no wonder. According to information in United States Patent 6,288,045, zeolite can, when pulled into cancer cells, activate the P21 gene which tells a cancer cell to die, or literally, according to this patent, destroy the nucleus of cancerous cells.
It also influences the immune system through its association with the thymus gland. For best results, wash area each time before reapplying AlkalOH. Fulvic acid molecules, also derived from plants, are known to condition the cell wall increasing its permeability. The energies in the elixirs covered in this report are much stronger than homeopathic remedies as they tell the body what to do. It contains additional herbs to drive circulation, and a tiny amount of alcohol to increase absorption, all in a soft gel capsule. We find it works best to shake or blend the powder into a smoothie or some sort of drink -- but not a protein drink as it is best absorbed on an empty stomach without other proteins. And increasing oxygen levels in cancer cells to high levels could help kill those cancer cells. We consume much higher levels than Omega-3. And in the process digest and kill cancer cells. The happiness hormone levels increased. This is good. Again, the Cellular Replication Control Elixir is the strongest supplement we have tested for fighting any cancer, and by far the most powerful  supplement when you have one of these mutated genes contributing to the development of your cancer. Eventually this destroys the cancer cell from the inside out. The higher the number the more healing power the supplement or procedure has. Cancer cells use these enzymes to neutralize hydrogen peroxide. He noticed that the day the pancreas started producing enzymes was the day the placenta stopped growing. Unfortunately, if industry and the government they control have their way, it may even become worse. It enables the immune system to identify and thus be able to kill cancer cells that would otherwise be hiding out from the immune system. Giving them the ability to penetrate dormant tissue, clogged cells and cellular pathways, and reactivate them. Find out how to tell if you're doctor is giving you the best treatment, or whether he's on the big pharma payroll. To make this formula even better, an extract from a rainforest tree is included. Anti diabetes vegetables on a stick Instead, he recommends patients combine anti-antioxidants with cancer drugs. Alkaline water or minerals that enter a cancer cell would neutralize the lactic acid buildup BLA causes -- to some extent -- and help protect the cancer cell. First, a unique and powerful ways to greatly reduce cancer cell energy production. And then you'll learn about a completely unique and different type of oxygenation supplement, Ronuv, that is testing as one of the best cancer fighters, 7000. TotalFlora15 brings together two of the most widely accepted groups of probiotics - the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. It helps to normalize cancer cell function so the cancer cells die a normal death, apoptosis. They test energetically at 620 for dealing with pain. Use 2 to 3 containers for early stage or advanced cancers, depending on how much cancer there is. Because cancer cells produce most of their energy by fermenting sugar, not with oxygen, they tend to accumulate more deuterium in their cells. Serotonin and oxytocin levels are told to increase, creating feelings of love, connection, trust, wellbeing and happiness. Other benefits include liver support, antioxidant free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory actions. These also help get more oxygen and other nutrients into brain cells. And ends up creating hydrogen and oxygen as it splits the chemical bonds in water molecules. Cancer cells produce a lot of lactic acid as it is a byproduct of the sugar fermentation they primarily use to make energy. Getting a machine that makes alkaline water, and drinking the water tested at 135. When this happens, they realize they have lived too long, and tell themselves to die. This OH water is a stable water that badly wants to get its missing Hydrogen ions back. Not because it was designed to fight cancer, but because its actions get your cells working better so that they are less likely to turn cancerous. Ultimate Fish Blend uses the same advanced absorption mechanism of bioactive proteins and interactive electrolytes as found in Liver Strength. Which is what you get with Optimal C Elixir and PrugX. Researchers say that the ability to produce vitamin C gives those mammals that naturally produce it a powerful healing tool that enables them to live much longer than they would otherwise. It just doesn't work that well.

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